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[l] at 7/26/24 3:04pm
Like Breonna Taylor and Atatiana Jefferson, Massey was a Black woman tragically murdered by police in her own home.

[Category: Analysis, Features, Black liberation, police brutality, racism, women's rights]

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[l] at 7/23/24 6:44am
The AMA refuses to support a call for a ceasefire, consistent with its long history of racism under the guise of medical neutrality.

[Category: Analysis, medical system, palestine]

[*] [+] [-] [x] [A+] [a-]  
[l] at 7/22/24 7:54am
The US criminalizes Palestinian charities while allowing Israeli terrorist groups to raise funds posing as charities.

[Category: Analysis, Features, Middle East, Palestine, middle east, palestine]

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[l] at 7/20/24 4:25pm
These police officers - dispatched from out of state from Columbus, Ohio for the Republican National Convention - were patrolling outside of the security zone when they came across Sharpe and another man in a dispute.

[Category: Militant Journalism, anti-racism, Milwaukee, police brutality, republican national convention]

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[l] at 7/20/24 7:28am
Washington’s false and unfair characterization of the Cuban government is hurting working people there the most.

[Category: Analysis, Cuba, Features, cuba, latin america]

[*] [+] [-] [x] [A+] [a-]  
[l] at 7/16/24 5:08pm
Vance, author of the book “Hillbilly Elegy,” pretends to be a champion of working people.

[Category: Analysis, capitalism, elections, government]

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[l] at 7/15/24 4:19pm
On June 28, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that local and state governments have the power to criminalize homelessness through ordinances banning unhoused people from sleeping in public spaces.

[Category: Analysis, housing, Alaska, arizona, california, government, hawaii, housing crisis, idaho, Montana, nevada, oregon, supreme court, washingon]

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[l] at 7/15/24 9:06am
Socialists desire working-class unity, but not unity with the tiny billionaire class. The problem is not that people are politically polarized, but that we are polarized on totally the wrong basis.

[Category: Analysis, Features, PSL Statements, Biden, election 2024, Trump]

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[l] at 7/13/24 9:21am
Understanding Project 2025 in depth puts us in a better position to expose the plans of the right wing and the true political character of the Trump campaign.

[Category: Analysis, Features, Project 2025, government, project 2025, u.s. working class]

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[l] at 7/10/24 12:11pm
The real meaning of McCarthyism is that it, along with its attendant panics and inquisitions, are just weapons of the rich against the exploited and oppressed. If we want a new world, we can’t ever forget that.

[Category: Analysis, Features, Cold war]

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[l] at 7/5/24 10:36am
The ghost of “Tail-Gunner Joe” McCarthy is haunting the U.S. Congress.

[Category: Analysis, Features, Cold war]

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[l] at 7/3/24 2:44pm
Nvidia’s brief streak as the world’s highest valued company in the last several weeks has catapulted the chipset manufacturer into the headlines all over the world.

[Category: Analysis, Features, technology, science and technology, tech]

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[l] at 6/30/24 3:05pm
Between 2015-2023, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service inspected over 312,000 letters and packages, making notes on the sender and recipient of the parcel.

[Category: Analysis, Features, technology, anti-war, mass surveillance]

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[l] at 6/29/24 11:32am
The 1984 Chevron doctrine is the basis for many legal decisions upholding regulations coming from laws such as the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act, the 1970 Clean Air Act, the 2010 Affordable Care Act and others.

[Category: Analysis, Features, capitalism, government, supreme court]

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[l] at 6/29/24 9:52am
Under capitalism, community-solar microgrids are a threat to private utilities’ profits. In the end, ensuring continued profits for the ruling elite outweighs implementing real climate solutions in any meaningful way.

[Category: Analysis, Climate Crisis, Features, california, climate change]

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[l] at 6/29/24 7:24am
el Proyecto 2025 es el programa Trump, un programa para alterar fundamentalmente la forma de gobierno capitalista en este país eliminando miles de empleados federales y reemplazándolos con personas designadas políticamente.

[Category: Analysis, Español, Capitalismo, Corte Suprema, gobierno]

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[l] at 6/26/24 5:16pm
Julian Assange's release should not only be a cause for celebration, but a call to pursue justice against the criminals he and Wikileaks exposed.

[Category: Analysis, Features, imperialism]

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[l] at 6/26/24 1:19pm
The first wave of UN-backed Kenyan police officers has arrived in Haiti with around 400 landing in Port-au-Prince.

[Category: Analysis, Features, haiti, imperialism, Kenya]

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[l] at 6/26/24 11:35am
El primer despliegue de policías kenianos respaldados por la ONU ha llegado a Haití. Alrededor de 400 han aterrizado en Puerto Príncipe.

[Category: Analysis, Español, haiti, imperialismo, Kenia]

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[l] at 6/25/24 9:03pm
Backed by an avalanche of spending by pro-Israel groups, Westchester County Executive George Latimer has prevailed over Representative Jamaal Bowman in the Democratic Party primary for the 16th Congressional District of New York.

[Category: Analysis, Features, anti-racism, congress, palestine]

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[l] at 6/25/24 12:10pm
SCP has played and continues to play a crucial and leading role in the movement for social and democratic rights since its start in 2018. Following the start of the civil war triggered by the conflict between SAF and RSF in 2023, the attacks and repression on SCP have escalated. We reiterate our full solidarity with the comrades in SCP and demand that comrade Amal El Zein be released immediately.

[Category: Features, Our Party, PSL Statements, africa, international solidarity, Sudan, Sudanese Communist Party]

As of 7/26/24 8:11pm. Last new 7/26/24 4:43pm.

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