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[l] at 7/25/24 1:53am
by John Helmer, Moscow@bears_with Combat losses of the Ukrainian armed forces along the front have accelerated to a current average of almost two thousand men a day, according to the Russian Defense Ministry’s daily briefing and bulletin. The damage or loss of weapons is also growing fast. In the first week of July a []

[Category: DwB]

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[l] at 7/24/24 12:54am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with One of Germany’s most notorious prosecutions of free speech has collapsed, as the Berlin prosecutor’s office has dropped a case designed to stop Germans discussing the war against Russia in the Ukraine. Heinrich Buecher, (lead  image, left) owner of the Coop Anti-war Café on Rochstrasse, has been prosecuted in a Berlin district []

[Category: DwB]

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[l] at 7/23/24 12:44am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with There have always been Russians in the Kremlin who for reasons of imperialist or Orthodox ideology considered themselves exceptionalist in politics. That’s to say, as exceptional or more exceptional than the Americans in the White House. Since Mikhail Gorbachev ruled Russia forty years ago, there have also been Russian exceptionalists who []

[Category: DwB]

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[l] at 7/22/24 1:22am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with Captain Obvious is an American cartoon hero. In Poland, however, he’s now being set up for prosecution on charges of treason for saying the obvious. That, according to the new Polish government and the US Ambassador in Warsaw, Mark Brzezinski, must not be allowed to be said. Instead, the Polish Captain []

[Category: DwB]

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[l] at 7/19/24 1:25am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with There have been many revolutions in the technology and the geography of global cargo transportation. The Portuguese design of caravels to cross the Atlantic and Indian Oceans from the 15thcentury; the replacement of wind with coal-fired steam in the shipping of the British empire which followed; and the invention of the []

[Category: Russian Politics, Sovcomflot]

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[l] at 7/15/24 12:35am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with The Jewish and Christian bibles got the idea down pat. “For this thing is from Israel,” said one of the writers whose compilation of warnings against worship of idols and competing gods is called the book of Hosea. “A craftsman made it, and it is not God. It will be broken []

[Category: US-Russia]

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[l] at 7/12/24 12:58am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with In the ancient and current doctrine of the law of culpability for killing, the Latin term mens reais required to be proved beyond reasonable doubt, in parallel with proof of actus reus. In short, the intention in mind to kill (aka motive) must be in combination with the hands-on act of []

[Category: Ukraine]

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[l] at 7/10/24 12:20am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with The latest Russian Defense Ministry daily bulletin was issued on Wednesday afternoon, July 9. Since then the Pentagon and the White House have been as silent as the tomb. Make that thirty-five American tombs. “During the day [July 9],” said the Defense Ministry briefer in Moscow,    “the Armed Forces of the []

[Category: DwB]

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[l] at 7/8/24 1:34am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with American, British and Canadian troops in NATO’s forward bases in Poland, Latvia, and Lithuania are being told to prepare for deployment to the Ukraine next year. They are also being warned to expect to fight under heavy Russian artillery, missile, guided bomb, and drone strikes. This message is also intended to []

[Category: EU-Russia, Ukraine]

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[l] at 7/4/24 1:14am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with In ancient rhetoric classes, and ever since, it has been taught that combining two negatives in a sentence produces a positive, albeit a version of the truth which has been made ambiguous enough to allow its opposite, a lie. So when President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman issues two negatives on two []

[Category: DwB]

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[l] at 7/3/24 1:43am
by John Helmer, Moscow@bears_with Since the lethal Sevastopol beach attack on June 23 triggered open criticism of President Vladimir Putin’s military inhibitions,  there has been a Russian counter to the operation of US Air Force (USAF) drones which direct the missile strikes from international airspace over the Black Sea.   The June 23 missile salvo []

[Category: Ukraine]

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[l] at 6/30/24 1:45am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with If you think that Popeye beat Bluto because he ate spinach, this US presidential cartoon, I mean debate, was for you. That President Joseph Biden, handicapped as he was by Parkinson’s Disease and Lewy body dementia, won the 120-minute television fight with Donald Trump seems so obvious to Russians, they express []

[Category: DwB]

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[l] at 6/26/24 12:24am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with Buried in the small print and legalese of the new European Union (EU) sanctions announced on June 24 is the re-establishment of the old European and American empires’ operation of privateering. That’s piracy on the high seas licensed by the monarch or the head of state on condition that the proceeds []

[Category: DwB]

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[l] at 6/25/24 1:24am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with The British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, MI6) continues to celebrate itself as the master of deception operations, at least when it comes to fooling their own population and their US allies. Successful deception is the principal weapon London contributes in its special relationship with the US, since in money, men, weapons, []

[Category: DwB]

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[l] at 6/24/24 1:03am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with The Ukrainian missile attacks on Sevastopol on Sunday afternoon – five US ATACMS missiles with cluster-bomb warheads – have drawn the most explicit reaction yet from Russia’s independent military bloggers, followed in four hours by an official communiqué from the Defense Ministry.  The Kremlin communiqué which followed the Defense Ministry an []

[Category: Media, Ukraine]

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[l] at 6/22/24 2:00am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with A new lawyer appeared in a London court on Friday claiming to represent Sergei and Yulia Skripal. Jack Holborn, a barrister specializing in what he calls human rights,  told Lord Anthony Hughes, who is conducting a public inquiry into the alleged Novichok death of Dawn Sturgess in 2018, that the Skripals []

[Category: Skripal]

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[l] at 6/21/24 1:29am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with The balloon didn’t quite go up at Wednesday’s session of European Union (EU) officials in Brussels to decide on a new round of anti-Russian sanctions, the fourteenth package of the EU’s economic war. Stopping Russian helium exports, one of the items in the package, wasn’t the sticking point.*   The Russian []

[Category: DwB]

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[l] at 6/17/24 12:51am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with The Russian military bloggers haven’t been as quick as the Kiev regime and NATO allies to dismiss President Vladimir Putin’s peace terms speech to the Foreign Ministry as propaganda. But they did. According to Boris Rozhin, the editor-in-chief of the Colonel Cassad military blog, Putin’s speech on Friday morning, June 14,  “was []

[Category: Ukraine]

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[l] at 6/14/24 1:26am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with Wine, and the money to spend on drinking it, are growing at an unprecedented pace in Russia. For a country at war in Europe this has not happened in modern times, and probably not since the ancient Roman emperors and medieval English kings arranged for their city fountains to flow with []

[Category: Foodstuffs]

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[l] at 6/12/24 1:00am
by John Helmer, Moscow@bears_with June 12 marks the anniversary of Boris Yeltsins election as President of Russia. It is no moment for celebration. The government which he led successfully over the attempted putsch of last August and through the disintegration of the Soviet Union now lacks credible authority in the Russian federation and among its []

[Category: DwB]

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[l] at 6/10/24 12:29am
by John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with As the Ukraine’s peak summer electricity season approaches, the list of the Russian General Staff’s Electric War targets is shrinking. This is because almost all the Ukrainian electricity generating plants have been stopped. What remains for destruction are the connecting lines and distribution grids for the Ukraine’s imported electricity from Poland []

[Category: Ukraine]

As of 7/27/24 3:56am. Last new 7/25/24 3:36am.

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