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[l] at 7/25/24 10:00pm
On Wednesday July 24, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to a joint session of Congress. As he was speaking, the war in Gaza was continuing, with more than 39,145 Palestinian killed at the time of writing this piece, 89,800 injured, with 70 percent of all casualties being children, women, and old men. 129 people Continue reading "US Gives a War Criminal the Honor of Speaking to Congress" The post US Gives a War Criminal the Honor of Speaking to Congress appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/25/24 10:00pm
There’s no mention of their duty to the people in the oath of office that members of Congress take. It says they will support and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Maybe, in some regard defending the Constitution would mean doing their job: representing the people that elected them. But today, the Continue reading "A Standing Ovation for Genocide" The post A Standing Ovation for Genocide appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/24/24 10:00pm
Targeting a school during a war could be justified as, or at least argued, to have been a mistake. But striking over 120 schools, and killing and wounding thousands of civilians sheltering inside, can only be intentional, with each attack a horrific war crime in its own right. Between 7 October last year and 18 Continue reading "Whats Behind Israels War Against UNRWA?" The post Whats Behind Israels War Against UNRWA? appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/23/24 10:00pm
The International Court of Justice released its historic advisory opinion on 19 July 2024 just as I was finishing my essay on Israel’s theft and abuse of the water resources of Palestine. The 80-page opinion, “Legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem,” unequivocally states Continue reading "The Politics of Water Under Occupation: Israel in Palestine" The post The Politics of Water Under Occupation: Israel in Palestine appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/22/24 10:00pm
Reprinted with permission from Responsible Statecraft. Israeli forces attacked “vital civilian infrastructure” at the port of Hodeidah in Yemen on Saturday in response to a Houthi drone strike in Tel Aviv, according to Mwatana, a leading independent Yemeni human rights organization. The Israeli military claimed that it hit “military targets,” but Mwatana reports that the Continue reading "Houthis Only Emboldened by Israeli Attacks" The post Houthis Only Emboldened by Israeli Attacks appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/22/24 10:00pm
Editors Note:  This article was written just before President Biden announced he would not be seeking re-election. U.S. President Joe Biden’s signature defense of his accomplishments and record is that he energized NATO and put together a coalition of fifty countries to oppose Russian President Vladimir Putin. But it was not Biden that reenergized NATO, Continue reading "Deflating Bidens Boast on NATO" The post Deflating Bidens Boast on NATO appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/22/24 9:02pm
The number of executed this year is said to be 40 people. The post <I>Iraq Weekly Roundup</I>: 35 Killed; 10 Executed appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/21/24 10:00pm
Reprinted from TomDispatch. From Gaza to the West Bank to the Israeli-Lebanese borderlands, it’s been a genuine nightmare. The devastation in Gaza remains surreal and almost impossible to take in. Housing, hospitals, schools, religious institutions, you name it – they’re all now a “maze of rubble” while the fighting just goes on (and on and Continue reading "Assessing the Flames of Protest" The post Assessing the Flames of Protest appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/18/24 10:00pm
At the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s 75th anniversary summit in Washington, DC, last week China was a big part of the agenda. The NATO summit’s final declaration mentioned the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) 14 times. It noted that “the PRC continues to pose systemic challenges to Euro-Atlantic security” and China’s “stated ambitions and coercive Continue reading "The True Purpose of NATO Remains US Hegemony" The post The True Purpose of NATO Remains US Hegemony appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/18/24 10:00pm
Much has been written about the political earthquakes in Britain and France, the first resulting in the crushing defeat of the Conservative Party and the latter in the overpowering of the far right, by a largely leftist coalition. But these were not the only important outcomes of the July 4 and July 7 general elections Continue reading "When Supporting Israel Is a Liability: Is Gaza Changing the West?" The post When Supporting Israel Is a Liability: Is Gaza Changing the West? appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/18/24 10:00pm
Though hope, which has raised its head before only to be decapitated, may be too optimistic a word, recent changes in tone, coming from many parties to the conflict, forecast the chance that negotiations to end the war on Ukraine are, at least, peaking above the horizon. Those changes come from recent European elections, upcoming Continue reading "Could a Change in Tone Lead to Peace Talks in Ukraine?" The post Could a Change in Tone Lead to Peace Talks in Ukraine? appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/17/24 10:00pm
When the Monroe Doctrine was declared, in 1823,  it was aimed at European colonial powers. It told them to butt out: the US sphere of influence included all of Latin America and the Caribbean. During the past two centuries,virtually every Latin American and Caribbean country has had to endure US intervention and interference in their Continue reading "170 Years of US Aggression Against Nicaragua" The post 170 Years of US Aggression Against Nicaragua appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/17/24 10:00pm
With 5 months remaining until the November elections, candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump have, over the last few months, staked out positions on key issues on the geopolitical stage. One of the more noteworthy examples was Trump’s acquiescent opinion given to reporters about how Congressional Republicans could get behind the controversial military aid package Continue reading "Would the President Be in Charge During a War in Taiwan?" The post Would the President Be in Charge During a War in Taiwan? appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/16/24 10:00pm
Reprinted from TomDispatch. For obvious reasons, the devastation of Gaza has gotten so much of the attention recently, but life, post-October 7th, has also been a nightmare on the West Bank. Among other things, the grotesquely right-wing Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has, as the Associated Press reported recently, approved the seizure of Continue reading "A Cancer on the West Bank" The post A Cancer on the West Bank appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/16/24 10:00pm
The American-led isolation of Iran is springing leaks all over. It seems that wherever Iran knocks, everyone answers. Except the United States. Instead, the U.S. continues to close the door, following a long pattern with Iran of undermining its own interests. In 2016, Bahrain followed Saudi Arabia in cutting ties with Iran. But in 2024, Continue reading "The US Continues To Undermine Its Own Interests in Iran" The post The US Continues To Undermine Its Own Interests in Iran appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/15/24 10:00pm
Reprinted from CommonDreams. In 1992, U.S. foreign-policy exceptionalism went into overdrive. The U.S. has always viewed itself as an exceptional nation destined for leadership, and the demise of the Soviet Union in December 1991 convinced a group of committed ideologues – who came to be known as neoconservatives – that the U.S. should now rule Continue reading "The NATO Declaration and the Deadly Strategy of Neoconservatism" The post The NATO Declaration and the Deadly Strategy of Neoconservatism appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/15/24 10:00pm
This is part 2 in a series.    Read part 1 here. The Indispensable Nation meme originates not in the universal condition of mankind and the nation-states into which it has been partitioned. Instead, it stems from an erroneous take on the one-time, flukish and historically aberrant circumstances of the 20th century that gave raise to giant totalitarian states in Hitler’s Continue reading "Living With Wilsons Folly Over 100 Years Later" The post Living With Wilsons Folly Over 100 Years Later appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/15/24 9:04pm
Seven people were killed. The post <I>Iraq Weekly Roundup</I>: 51 Killed appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/14/24 10:00pm
The NATO Summit and 75th anniversary celebration has concluded. In its congratulatory celebration of itself, it revealed itself to be as detached from reality as it is anachronistic. There were many assertions that had no basis in reality, but there were four big ones that stood out. NATO is a Peaceful Alliance that Poses a Continue reading "NATO Summits Declaration: Fiction Versus Reality" The post NATO Summits Declaration: Fiction Versus Reality appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/14/24 10:00pm
As NATO wrapped up its Summit and Biden held a crucial press conference, the media frenzy continued to focus on Biden’s age and cognitive abilities. Is he too old and disoriented to lead the “free world”? Was he able to get through his press conference without stumbling too many times? Lost in the media coverage Continue reading "Similar to Biden, NATO Is Aged and Unfit for Leadership" The post Similar to Biden, NATO Is Aged and Unfit for Leadership appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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[l] at 7/14/24 10:00pm
The world is headed toward nuclear war.  The horrific nightmare of global destruction that has haunted humanity ever since Hiroshima and Nagasaki is nearly upon us. For decades, peace activists and nuclear experts have warned about the “growing danger of nuclear war.” The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has moved the hands of their Doomsday Clock Continue reading "Nuclear War Is Imminent" The post Nuclear War Is Imminent appeared first on Antiwar.com.

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As of 7/26/24 10:27pm. Last new 7/25/24 11:30pm.

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