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[l] at 2/12/25 3:00am
Since war broke out in Ukraine, Western airlines have been charting longer routes to avoid flying over Russia, with a discernible impact on emissions.Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 2/11/25 6:41am
The world is set to blow past its goal to limit warming to 1.5 degrees C, new research shows.Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 2/10/25 8:15am
A new study links devastating summer floods in southern China to unusually warm spring weather over the Tibetan plateau.Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 2/6/25 11:42am
A person’s ability to focus on everyday tasks is affected by short-term exposure to air pollution, a study has found.Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 2/6/25 2:12am
The war in Gaza has taken a heavy toll on the environment, with water supplies contaminated, raw sewage pouring into the Mediterranean, once-fertile soils ruined, and the land stripped of trees. Experts say the extent of the damage needs to be tallied to help plan for a recovery.Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 2/5/25 7:23am
As the planet warms, Nigerian farmers are looking to breed cattle that can take the heat, importing semen from a Brazilian breed suited to balmy tropical weather. Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 2/4/25 2:30am
More than 30,000 small dams currently block river tributaries from Maine to Maryland. New initiatives to remove them are aimed at restoring natural flows, improving habitat for aquatic life, and reopening thousands of river miles to migratory fish, from shad to American eels.Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 2/3/25 8:11am
The number of tigers in India roughly doubled in a little more than a decade, a conservation success that is due in part to communities learning to live alongside the animals, new research finds.Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 1/31/25 7:24am
A new study reveals the massive West Antarctic ice sheet did not completely collapse during the last warm period, as prior modeling had suggested. The findings offer some hope for the future of the ice sheet as the planet heats up.Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 1/30/25 3:38am
Farmers have long drained peatlands for agriculture, but the dried-out soils release vast quantities of CO2. To halt this process, new initiatives in Germany are not only rewetting peatlands but also creating markets for the native grasses, reeds, and sedges they support.Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 1/29/25 6:52am
Volunteers have planted more than 2,500 native trees on pasture in southwest England, part of a larger effort to recreate the temperate rainforest that once dominated much of the British Isles. Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 1/28/25 2:53am
An increase in extreme precipitation events has hit the tiny, mountainous state of Vermont especially hard. As disaster declarations mount, state officials and community groups are collaborating to restore floodplains, reduce runoff from slopes, and buy out vulnerable homes. Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 1/27/25 6:43am
A new study finds microplastics can block the flow of blood in the brains of mice. The study comes on the heels of other research showing, for the first time, that microplastics can lodge in human brains.Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 1/24/25 7:21am
For the first time in the EU, solar supplied more power than coal did last year, a new analysis finds.Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 1/23/25 3:05am
A mountain lion attack that killed a young California man last year has reignited a debate over how the big cats should be managed. Some are calling for renewed hunting of the animals, while others are advocating nonlethal methods of instilling a fear of humans in the big cats.Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 1/22/25 7:49am
As the northern latitudes warm, ice is melting and vegetation is spreading. But instead of absorbing more carbon, the region is becoming a source of heat-trapping gas, a new study shows.Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 1/21/25 4:28am
In the sea as on land, climate change is driving shifts in the abundance and distribution of species. Scientists are just beginning to focus on why some fish predators and prey — like striped bass and menhaden on the U.S. East Coast — are changing their behavior as waters warm. Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 1/17/25 7:21am
Carbon dioxide is accumulating in the atmosphere faster than ever before, putting hopes of limiting warming in jeopardy.Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 1/16/25 4:32am
Climate scientist Daniel Swain says that two very wet years followed by a very dry one helped to turn the Los Angeles wildfires into raging infernos. This phenomenon of “hydroclimate whiplash,” he says, is expected to occur in more and more places as the world warms.Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 1/15/25 7:00am
A new study finds that trees that have lived through many wet years struggle to cope with dry spells.Read more on E360 →
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[l] at 1/14/25 5:15am
A new analysis shows that African wildlife increasingly depend on lands managed by villagers and herders. In many areas, locally-run conservancies now more effectively protect wildlife than national parks do, with communities reaping tourism revenue and other benefits.Read more on E360 →

As of 2/12/25 10:35am. Last new 2/12/25 3:02am.

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