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UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, delegation must move beyond pomp and ceremony and act to stop violations of belligerent al Khalifa regime

Al Wefaq welcomes the “High Commissioner for Human Rights” delegation and hopes it will play role to stop the violations in Bharain

Al Wefaq Islamic national Society welcomed the High Commissioner for Human Rights Office delegation which will be arriving at the Kingdom of Bahrain soon, that is, after the serious violations the kingdom has experienced as some were revealed in Mr. Bassiouni’s Committee which was formed by the authority in Bahrain.

The society confirmed the High Commissioner for human rights is a neutral international Foundation and has close follow-up of the humanitarian situation and human rights everywhere, including the Kingdom of Bahrain, which suffers from terrible abuses against the largest cross-section in the Bahrain due to demands of democratic transformation.

Al Wefaq assured that the people of Bahrain and its citizens that are violated against welcome the delegation, expressing its full cooperation with it and hoping for the delegation to have freedom of movement to observe the miserable human rights situation in Bahrain. The society is ambitious that the delegation plays a vital role in the implementation of the BICI recommendations, as there are serious fears that the authority will get around them as it did with recommendations I and II.

The society stressed the central role of the High Commissioner for human rights office and its knowledge of the human rights situation experienced in Bahrain before and during the 1990s, and later formal systematic violation of the universal principles and foundations of human rights. The UN OHCHR office is well informed of the procrastination tactics towards compliance with the commitments undertaken by the authorities, while adding violations in the beginning of this year when the people chose to start a national pro-democracy movement and draw their map of political reform, they were insulted and violated against as the authority imposed National Safety Situation (State of Emergency) which was condemned both locally and internationally. …source