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[l] at 7/27/24 3:02am
Here is what we know about the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee’s views on issues like migration and the wars in Ukraine and Gaza.

[Category: Harris, Kamala D, United States International Relations, United States Politics and Government, Presidential Election of 2024, Israel-Gaza War (2023- ), Palestinians, War and Armed Conflicts, Hamas, Democratic Party, Africa, Gaza Strip, China, Ghana, Guatemala, Israel, Tanzania, Zambia, Myanmar, Russia, South China Sea, Biden, Joseph R Jr, Trump, Donald J, Akufo-Addo, Nana, International Relations, Russian Invasion of Ukraine (2022), Immigration and Emigration]

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[l] at 7/26/24 6:29am
A country torn apart by civil war could soon face one of the world’s worst famines in decades, experts said.

[Category: Sudan, Darfur (Sudan), Chad, Africa, Famine, Food Insecurity, Refugees and Displaced Persons, Humanitarian Aid, United Nations, World Food Program, Thomas-Greenfield, Linda, Perriello, Tom, Doctors Without Borders, vis-photo]

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[l] at 7/26/24 3:40am
The use of artificial intelligence is exploding around the world, but the technology’s language models are primarily trained in English, leaving many speakers of other languages behind.

[Category: Artificial Intelligence, Language and Languages, Cohere Inc, OpenAI Labs, Google Inc, Stanford University, Start-ups, Research, Computers and the Internet, Anthropic AI LLC, Africa, Europe, United States, Vietnam]

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[l] at 7/25/24 1:40pm
The outbreak may be the first ever documented in marine mammals.

[Category: your-feed-science, South Africa, Wildlife Die-Offs, Rabies, Seals (Animals) and Sealing, your-feed-health, Viruses, Animal Attacks, Cape Town (South Africa)]

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[l] at 7/25/24 12:56pm
He believed that music could transcend national borders set by colonialism and restore ancient ties, even as it embraced the changes of a globalizing society.

[Category: Diabate, Toumani, Deaths (Obituaries), Music, Musical Instruments, Symmetric Orchestra, Mali, Bamako (Mali), West Africa]

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[l] at 7/25/24 11:08am
The West African nation of Burkina Faso was once known for its lively arts scene. Now, it is a country torn apart by Islamist extremists and the government’s brutal effort to drive them out.

[Category: Burkina Faso, Russia, Terrorism, Coups D'Etat and Attempted Coups D'Etat, Refugees and Displaced Persons, Draft and Recruitment (Military), Traore, Ibrahim, Al Qaeda, Islamic State West African Province, vis-photo]

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[l] at 7/24/24 8:00pm
In seven years, Racheal Kundananji went from playing her first organized game to signing a multimillion-dollar contract. Her rise could have lasting effects.

[Category: Kundananji, Racheal, Content Type: Personal Profile, Soccer, Olympic Games (2024), Women and Girls, National Women's Soccer League (US), Bay FC (Soccer Team), Zambia, Africa]

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[l] at 7/23/24 10:50am
A waterlogged hillside above a village gave way, burying several houses in mud. Neighbors and rescue workers who had rushed to help were hit by a second slide.

[Category: Landslides and Mudslides, Deaths (Fatalities), Rescues, Ethiopia, Africa, Global Warming]

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[l] at 7/21/24 8:50am
After at least 10 sacks with body parts were found in a dump, a suspect was said to admit to 42 murders. But some doubt the case, and people with missing loved ones say the police were slow to help.

[Category: Kenya, Serial Murders, Women and Girls, Police, Police Brutality, Misconduct and Shootings, Nairobi (Kenya), vis-photo]

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[l] at 7/20/24 7:28am
Overshadowed by fighting in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, a dispute in the west between two ethnic groups has resulted in thousands of civilians killed and more than 550,000 displaced near the capital, Kinshasa.

[Category: Civilian Casualties, Refugees and Displaced Persons, Human Rights and Human Rights Violations, Tshisekedi, Felix, Congo, Democratic Republic of (Congo-Kinshasa), Rwanda, Africa, March 23 Movement, Child Soldiers]

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[l] at 7/18/24 12:27pm
The sport, in which you strap on a 30-foot kite and skim across the waves, is about to make its Olympic debut. Here’s where non-Olympians can give it a try.

[Category: Travel and Vacations, Exercise, Beaches, Kiteboarding, Content Type: Service, Brazil, Cabarete (Dominican Republic), Columbia River (Pacific Northwest), Tarifa (Spain), Essaouira (Morocco), Mexico, International Kiteboarding Organization]

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[l] at 7/15/24 5:09pm
The Central African nation is voting on a potential fourth term for President Paul Kagame. Opposition figures say they have been threatened and arbitrarily detained.

[Category: Rwanda, Kigali (Rwanda), Kagame, Paul, Congo, Democratic Republic of (Congo-Kinshasa), Tshisekedi, Felix, Rusesabagina, Paul, Elections, Africa]

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[l] at 7/15/24 12:01pm
The police said that nine mutilated and dismembered bodies had been discovered, and that the suspect had confessed, only the latest violence against women in a rising tide of it in the East African nation.

[Category: Kenya, Nairobi (Kenya), Ruto, William, Demonstrations, Protests and Riots]

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[l] at 7/15/24 11:38am
Lawmakers in the West African country had supported overturning the prohibition, but changed course on Monday after a vociferous campaign led by women.

[Category: Female Genital Mutilation, Gambia, Africa, Women and Girls, Women's Rights, Muslims and Islam, Jammeh, Yahya]

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[l] at 7/12/24 4:11pm
The number found dead or injured in the rubble of the private school in Nigeria was still climbing and dozens, including many students, remained trapped, authorities said.

[Category: Deaths (Fatalities), Lagos (Nigeria), Nigeria, Building (Construction)]

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[l] at 7/11/24 5:30pm
President William Ruto dismissed all but one of his cabinet secretaries after demonstrations over a finance bill that would have raised taxes led to the deaths of at least 41 people.

[Category: Ruto, William, Kenya, Politics and Government, Demonstrations, Protests and Riots, Africa, Credit and Debt]

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[l] at 7/10/24 3:18pm
Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger are withdrawing from a 49-year-old regional alliance that has allowed goods and nearly 400 million people to travel freely across a tightly connected region.

[Category: Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas), Africa, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Faye, Bassirou Diomaye, Nigeria, International Relations, West Africa, Embargoes and Sanctions, Coups D'Etat and Attempted Coups D'Etat]

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[l] at 7/10/24 11:18am
Britain gave Rwanda hundreds of millions of pounds, even though no asylum seekers were deported to the Central African nation under the agreement.

[Category: Rwanda, Great Britain, Asylum, Right of, Refugees and Displaced Persons, Immigration and Emigration, International Relations]

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[l] at 7/9/24 8:50pm
About 400 Kenyan officers have deployed to Haiti as part of the first wave of a multinational contingent tasked with trying to restore order in the gang-plagued Caribbean nation.

[Category: Haiti, Police, Gangs, Kenya, Ruto, William, Politics and Government, International Relations, Conille, Garry, Civilian Casualties, Defense and Military Forces, Police Brutality, Misconduct and Shootings]

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[l] at 7/9/24 10:17am
The Biden administration is trying to get foreign companies to invest in chip-making in the United States and more countries to set up factories to do final assembly and packaging.

[Category: Supply Chain, International Relations, Factories and Manufacturing, Computer Chips, Foreign Investments, American Jobs Plan (2021), United States International Relations, Biden, Joseph R Jr, East Asia, United States, China, Taiwan]

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[l] at 7/6/24 2:27pm
The danger to migrants while crossing the Mediterranean is well documented, but an earlier phase of their trek, across the Sahel and the Sahara, is deadlier, researchers say in a new report.

[Category: Human Trafficking, Sex Crimes, Illegal Immigration, United Nations, Africa, Europe, International Relations, Middle East and Africa Migrant Crisis, Kidnapping and Hostages, Refugees and Displaced Persons, Sahara Desert, Sahel (Africa)]

As of 7/27/24 8:49am. Last new 7/27/24 4:02am.

Next feed in category: India ET