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[l] at 7/25/24 12:50am
AMSAT-UK is pleased to announce that the 2024 Colloquium will take place alongside the RSGB Convention at Kents Hill Park Conference Centre, Milton Keynes, MK7 6BZ on the weekend of 12/13th October 2024. As in previous years, the AMSAT-UK Colloquium Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, AMSAT-UK, Colloquium, CubeSat, satellite, Space]

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[l] at 7/11/24 4:28am
E-members of AMSAT-UK can now download the July 2024 edition of OSCAR News, issue 244, here. The paper edition edition will be sent to postal members and should arrive in the next 2-3 weeks. In this issue: • From the Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, Amateur Radio, CubeSat, Ham Radio, Oscar News, satellite]

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[l] at 5/28/24 2:46am
Every few years the myth that Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was a radio amateur crops up again. This myth started in the early 1980s and has been debunked numerous times since but it still appears on websites listing Famous Hams. Martin Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, Amateur Radio, Ham Radio, Hoax, Myth, UA1LO, Yuri Gagarin]

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[l] at 5/22/24 6:35am
On May 26, at 1300 GMT AMSAT-LU plans (weather permitting) to launch a balloon carrying a linear multimode transponder V➤U, CW, SSB, FM, APRS LU7AA-11 and VIDEO. It could last 9 hours if it reaches 82,000 feet height landing in Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, Amateur Radio, balloon, HAB, Ham Radio, TRANSPONDER]

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[l] at 5/12/24 3:17am
On Saturday, May 11, 2024, Gopan VO1/M0XUU (VU3HPF) succeeded in making the first contact from North America through the amateur radio QO-100 geostationary satellite transponder located at 26° East. Gopan was in Newfoundland which is just outside the coverage area Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, Amateur Radio, Ham Radio, Newfoundland, QO-100, satellite]

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[l] at 5/12/24 3:17am
On Saturday, May 11, 2024, Gopan VO1/M0XUU (VU3HPF) succeeded in making the first contact from North America through the amateur radio QO-100 geostationary satellite transponder located at 26° East. Gopan was in Newfoundland which is just outside the coverage area Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, Amateur Radio, Ham Radio, Newfoundland, QO-100, satellite]

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[l] at 5/5/24 6:59am
During May there are plans for two separate attempts to make contacts from Newfoundland using the QO-100 geostationary satellite amateur transponders. Newfoundland is just outside the coverage area of QO-100, the elevation at Signal Hill at St. Johns is -0.9°, Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, Amateur Radio, DATV, FT8, Ham Radio, QO-100, satellite]

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[l] at 5/2/24 12:12pm
Rome, April 30, 2024 AMSAT Italia is proud to announce the acquisition of the quote of property of the IO-117 “GreenCube” satellite. The other part of the property remains on behalf of “Sapienza University”, Rome, Italy. A collaborative work Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, Amateur Radio, AMSAT Italia, AMSAT-Italy, GreenCube, Ham Radio, IO-117]

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[l] at 4/15/24 12:36pm
An ARISS contact is scheduled with students at Mrs Ethelston’s CE Primary Academy at Axminster Community Academy Trust, Lyme Regis, U.K. at 11:33 BST (10:44 GMT) on Wednesday April 17 on 145.800 MHz FM. Amateur Radio on the International Space Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, Amateur Radio, ARISS, Ham Radio, ISS]

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[l] at 4/1/24 10:28am
On March 27, 2024, Belgiums regulator the BIPT published draft restrictions on amateur radio operation  in the 23cm (1240-1300 MHz) band. The new restrictions include: Class A (equiv UK Full, USA Extra) size of band reduced from 60 MHz Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, 1240 MHz, 23cm, Amateur Radio, Ham Radio, satellite]

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[l] at 3/18/24 4:05pm
Series 15 episode 12 of Michael Portillos TV show Great British Railway Journeys: Havant to Guildford, features Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd and Professor Sir Martin Sweeting G3YJO. To see the segment fast-forward 20 mins 30 secs into the show. Watch Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, Amateur Radio, Ham Radio, satellite, SSTL]

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[l] at 2/18/24 5:06am
Two more amateur radio satellites, MARIA-G (HADES-F) and UNNE-1 (HADES-E), are planned to launch from the UKs SaxaVord Spaceport later in 2024. Previously announced amateur radio payloads on the launch are: ERMINAZ-1U and -1V from AMSAT-DL GENESIS-MA and -ME from Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, Amateur Radio, AMSAT-DL, AMSAT-EA, ERMINAZ, Ham Radio, Libre Space Foundation, MARIA-G, SaxaVord, Spaceport, UNNE-1]

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[l] at 1/25/24 12:48pm
At 1622 GMT on Thursday, January 25, 2024 @S5Lab posted on X that the GreenCube IO-117 Digipeater would be permanently deactivated on February 5. Designed and developed by students of Sapienza University of Rome, GreenCube IO-117 was the first satellite Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, Amateur Radio, Amateur Radio Satellite, CubeSat, GreenCube, Ham Radio, IO-117]

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[l] at 12/29/23 11:38am
E-members of AMSAT-UK can now download the December 2023 edition of OSCAR News, issue 243, here. The paper edition edition will be sent to postal members and should arrive in the next 2-3 weeks. In this issue: • From the Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, Amateur Radio, CubeSat, Ham Radio, Oscar News, satellites]

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[l] at 12/17/23 6:26am
Clark sat-1 (AMBITIOUS), callsign JS1YLT, is scheduled to deploy from the International Space Station (ISS) on Monday, December 18, 2023, at 10:15 GMT. The IARU coordinated downlink is 435.130 MHz. Clark sat-1 is a 1U size satellite is an educational Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, Amateur Radio, AMBITIOUS, Clark Sat-1, CubeSat, Ham Radio, ISS]

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[l] at 12/14/23 2:07am
An ARISS Slow Scan TV (SSTV) event is scheduled from the International Space Station (ISS) December 16-19, 2023, on 145.800 MHz FM to celebrate the 40th anniversary of amateur radio in human spaceflight. The event is slated to begin on Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, Amateur Radio, ARISS, Ham Radio, ISS, SSTV]

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[l] at 12/13/23 10:01am
After a year long period of battery management, AMSAT-UK and AMSAT-NL have restarted the transponder on AO-73. After 10 years in orbit, the battery on the satellite has reduced capacity and until recently, has been unable to charge to the Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, Amateur Radio, AO-73, CubeSat, FUNcube-1, Ham Radio]

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[l] at 12/8/23 2:29am
IARU have provided an update on the outcome of ITU WRC-23 Agenda Item 9.1B concerning the Amateur and Amateur Satellite Service allocations in 1240-1300 MHz: During the WRC-23 deliberations, strong positions were expressed by all the parties involved. The result Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates, Amateur Radio, Galileo, Ham Radio, RNSS, satellite]

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[l] at 11/7/23 5:57am
EIRSAT-1 launched on a Space X Falcon 9 rocket from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, USA, at 1819 GMT on Friday, December 1, 2023. It has a downlink on the IARU coordinated frequency of 437.100 MHz, see https://iaru.amsat-uk.org/finished_detail.php?serialnum=639 Continue reading

[Category: Daily Updates]

As of 7/26/24 6:59pm. Last new 7/25/24 1:58am.

First feed in category: ARRL News