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[l] at 7/26/24 10:07pm
Fringe religious conservatives melted down Friday night over the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics, decrying the spectacle as “Satantic.”The phase “mocking god” trended on social media following the opening ceremonies, which included drag performers and a singing — beheaded — Marie Antoinette. “BOYCOTT THE OLYMPICS” wrote @online_shogun along with a short clip showing drag queens in colorful costumes at the ceremony. “This filth is a slap in the face of all Christians. I reject this from every fiber of my being. You Moloch worshipping scum, you are mocking God, and for this you will be punished. As long as faithful people are here to reject f--otry and blasphemy, God.”The post quickly gained traction, along with others.Read also: Paris Olympics opening ceremony dancers call off strike after reaching pay deal, union say“One day every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. One day every knee will bow. Mocking God is the height of foolishness,” wrote @TJMoe28.“My opinion and I’m entiltled to it! Mocking God, never ever ends well… ILY” wrote @Wonderwpatriot7.“This isn't about Jesus or Christianity. It's an homage to the Greek mythology of dionysus. You are aware that the Olympics are from ancient Greece?” replied @FrenchGirlColo. “No one is mocking God but you are all making it easier to mock Christians who don't understand what they are seeing.”“If the Olympics are going Satanic and mocking god, they might actually be worth watching this year,” chimed in @ericlahti1.

[Category: Paris olympics]

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[l] at 7/26/24 9:49pm
President Joe Biden reportedly plans to announce dramatic reforms of the Supreme Court on Monday, Politico reported Friday night.The move comes amid criticism of bias on the bench with justices like Thomas Clarence and Samuel Alito having received lavish trips and gifts from wealthy Republican donors. The plan also comes after calls from Justice Elena Kagan earlier this week to create an ethics enforcement board to regulate the nation’s highest court.Biden’s reform overhaul could include term limits, caps on presidential immunity and an even more enforceable ethics code, according to the report. However, sources that Politico did not name said that specifics “could still change.”While some reforms would require approval from lawmakers, such as term limits, others may require constitutional amendments, which would face even steeper obstacles. However, Politico noted that “Biden’s endorsement of such major reforms would nevertheless serve as the clearest signal yet that he now shares Democrats’ widespread concern that the court has grown overly partisan at the expense of its credibility with the American people.”Read also: The Supreme Court gave Biden the power to sic the military on Trump: legal analysts

[Category: Supreme court, Joe biden]

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[l] at 7/26/24 9:28pm
A day after supporters of Vice President Kamala Harris broke the record for the largest Zoom meeting ever and raised more than $8 million for her presidential campaign, campaign organizers announced a new national organizing call to accomodate "tens of thousands" of people.A Zoom fundraising event Thursday dubbed "White Women: Answer the Call" asked women nationwide to join the livestream chat and invite their contacts to support Harris, with speakers including the pop star Pink and actress Connie Britton. More than 160,000 people attended the call, overcoming glitches to raise millions for the vice president, who is the leading contender to secure the Democratic nomination.The call generated headlines as attendees bragged they "broke Zoom." Following the success of the event, Victor Shi announced Friday night that because their "Women for Harris" call received so many sign-ups, they had to move the date to accomodate tens of thousands of people who signed up.Read also: 'Remarkable show of weakness': Trump buried for 'backpedaling' on debating Kamala Harris"Donald Trump & JD Vance p---ed off women & this is why they’re scared," he wrote on the social media app X. "Women aren’t playing any games here.""It’s happening though," he added. "Next Monday, July 29th, at 7pm ET. Please sign up and share below."Shi noted that actresses Connie Britton and Yvette Nicole Brown, as well as National Book Award finalist Min Jin Lee will join the call. Supporters cheered the effort. "We ain’t f---ing around, just to be blunt," wrote @phurt20 on X."I was on the call last night," said @polopaula. "Inspired!"They are terrified of women," said @cookiemooshi."I can hear them now, 'A woman? A woman? Oh no, what do we say'? 'I know', said J.D., 'let's call them cat ladies. That'll fix them,'" chided @JayneCudzil.

[Category: Kamala harris]

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[l] at 7/26/24 9:04pm
In a rare moment, Donald Trump received “boos” from a crowd of supporters at a Florida summit Friday for saying he supports abortion in cases of rape and incest. Reporting from the rally, CNN correspondent Kristen Holmes said that the conservative Turning Point USA's “very Trump friendly room" went cold on the Republican presidential nominee after he said he supported some exceptions in which abortion should be necessary.“He did get boos when he start talking about abortion from a section of the crowd when he said that he supports those exceptions for incest and rape and health of the mother,” Holmes said. “it was the first time the room actually had a negative response to anything he said.”ALSO READ: Boebert, MTG and far-fight friends derail Speaker Mike Johnson’s summer plansCNN host Kaitlan Collins asked if Trump had any “discernible reaction,” in that moment the crowd turned on him.“Absolutely nothing,” Holmes said. “But he did pivot his conversation into – and this is obviously a line we’ve heard before – how you have to win elections.”Trump then clarified, Holmes said, that voters should “believe what your heart wants to believe,” but that winning in November was what mattered, “clearly trying to indicate that was part of why [Trump] was saying what he was saying on abortion.”Watch the clip below or at this link.

[Category: Donald trump]

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[l] at 7/26/24 8:53pm
The campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris took a shot at Donald Trump’s “strange” speech delivered Friday at Turning Point USA in Florida. In the speech, Trump invoked panic of Democratic persecution of Catholics, took a victory lap that he "officially defeated" President Joe Biden and stoked fears that he plans to end Democracy. He also earned jeers for lobbing an attack at Harris over pronouncing her name. In response to the speech, a spokesperson for Harris, the frontrunner to become to the Democratic nominee for president, earned applause from supporters as she clapped back at her Republican rival.Read also: ‘King of violent rhetoric’ Trump mocked for blaming assassination attempt on Dem language "Tonight, Donald Trump couldn’t pronounce words, insulted the faith of Jewish and Catholic Americans, lied about the election (again), lied about other stuff, bragged about repealing Roe, proposed cutting billions in education funding, announced he would appoint more extremist judges, revealed he planned to fill a second Trump term with more criminals like himself, attacked lawful voting, went on and on and on, and generally sounded like someone you wouldn’t want to sit near at a restaurant — let alone be President of the United States," said James Singer. Harris added that America can “do better than the bitter, bizarre, and backward looking delusions of criminal Donald Trump. Vice President Kamala Harris offers a vision for America’s future focused on freedom, opportunity, and security.” Victor Shi, a member of the Harris campaign’s youth team lauded her response. “DAMN. This is how you slam Donald Trump,” wrote Shi. “That is the way to do it!” exclaimed @dconnla. “I will now look forward to these every day! Factual and straight to the point,” wrote @hurricanefan610.“Gloves are off. Truths are being told,” said @KiraPDX.

[Category: Donald trump, Kamala harris]

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[l] at 7/26/24 8:33pm
Former President and current Republican nominee Donald Trump raised eyebrows — alarm — when he told MAGA supporters on Friday evening they will only have to vote in the 2024 election — and won’t have to do so again. After questioning why Catholic and Jewish people would vote Democrat, the president remarked Friday at his rally in West Palm Beach, Florida, that supporters have to “get out and vote.” “You won’t have to do it anymore. Four years, it will be fixed, it will be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore. In four years, you won’t have to vote again.” Trump, who helped incite the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol, already faces questions that he could abuse the Supreme Court’s recent presidential immunity ruling to try to retain power. Friday’s comment stoked those fears. Read also: 'Did Donald Trump actually vet this guy?' Conservative confused about 'liability' of Vance “When we say Trump is a threat to democracy, this is exactly what we’re talking about,”Caty Payette, communications director for Sen. Martin Heinrich, wrote on the social media app X. “The only reason they wouldn't have to vote again is there would be no more elections. F this wannabe Dictator,” said @A_tothe_Z_Amber. “ @ProjectLincoln is going to have a field day with this one,” wrote @DecodingFoxNews, referring to the anti-MAGA group. “He is saying the quiet part out loud,” wrote @pghdlo.

[Category: Donald trump]

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[l] at 7/26/24 8:06pm
Donald Trump took heat on social media Friday evening as he tried to blame his assassination attempt on Democrats for "their rhetoric."At a Florida rally Friday, the Republican presidential nominee recounted how he nearly lost his life, this time with a new spin.“I took a bullet for democracy. He didn't,” Trump said, referring to President Joe Biden. “And I might have taken it because of their rhetoric. I might have taken it because of their rhetoric. Who knows?”Ongoing investigations into the shooting have found that the perpetrator, 20-year-old Thomas Crooks, was a registered Republican and made searches for high-level Democrats, including Biden, in the days leading up to the attack. Crooks’ motive in the shooting remains unclear. Read also: Trump warns supporters Democrats 'after the Catholics almost as much as they're after me'On social media, the response to Trump's comment was immediate. “Yeah, it’s the heated rhetoric from the Left,” wrote @SundaeDivine along with a photo of a pro-Trump merchandise booth adorned with a Nazi flag. “He's the king of violent rhetoric,” wrote @A_tothe_Z_Amber.“The shooter was a White Republican Male it had nothing to do with Democrats,” wrote @AreMond2. “A tiny cut on one’s ear doesn’t rise to “I took a bullet …”This is the narrative he is trying to regain after Biden "laid on a grenade" for Democracy and dropped out. It's why he's going back to Butler,” wrote @SelfGenPodcast. “To regain that narrative.”Watch the clip below or at this link. Yeah, it’s the heated rhetoric from the Left. pic.twitter.com/zZyPqiKJ38— ??????_???? (@SundaeDivine) July 27, 2024

[Category: Donald trump]

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[l] at 7/26/24 7:47pm
Former President Donald Trump and his supporters were enraged about President Joe Biden exiting the presidential race and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him, after a long and carefully crafted strategy built up over the last several months to attack Biden as infirm and incapable of executing the duties of office.But in their rush to attack Harris, they tripped over themselves, warned former GOP presidential candidate turned Trump surrogate Vivek Ramaswamy in a post on X — and muddling up their own message in a way that will fall flat with voters."Time for our side to wake up to some hard realities, fast," he wrote. First, "Stop calling on Biden to step down or to be forced out. That will just give Kamala all the benefits of running as an incumbent U.S. President. And she won’t be any better for America in the next 5 months than Biden will be." Second, he warned, "Stop attacking Kamala for locking up too many people as a prosecutor. It lends credibility to the otherwise ridiculous claim that she’s a 'law-and-order' candidate."Read also: Vivek Ramaswamy claims protesters wrecked his car – but police say noAdditionally, he pleaded, "Stop saying that Kamala covered up to help Biden, while also saying that Kamala staged a coup to overthrow Biden. It doesn’t make sense to say both at once. And if we say things that don’t make sense, we will lose votes." This comes as the GOP tries to push both of these theories out, with Trump pushing the "coup" claim and House Republicans going for the idea she covered up Biden's struggles.Ultimately, he said, the biggest problem for Republicans is the risk that "we get distracted & forget to offer our own vision for the future of the United States of America."This comes after Trump delivered a furious speech to Turning Point USA in Florida, where he tried out a number of attacks on Harris as he scrambles to regain his campaign footing.

[Category: Vivek ramaswamy]

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[l] at 7/26/24 7:34pm
New audio has surfaced ofJ.D. Vance accusing childless Democrats of trying to “brainwash children,” and MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace is having none of it.Vance “has spent the last few years saying some of the weirdest most offensive and off-putting things,” Wallace said during her Friday afternoon broadcast, including derogatory comments attacking Democratic leadership as “a bunch of childless cat ladies.” In a newly resurfaced comment from a 2021 Breitbart radio interview, Vance went on a rant accusing Democratic leaders without biological offspring of trying to brainwash children.“So many of their next generation leaders – you know, the Corey Bookers, the Kamala Harrises – they don't have kids, and so there's this weird way where they want to take our kids and brainwash them so that their ideas continue to exist,” Vance said. “Parents get to raise their children, families get to raise their children, not the state, not the leaders of the left. If you want to brainwash children: have your own kids to brainwash. Leave your hands off mine.”As the audio cut off, Wallace barely missed a beat.“There no evidence any of that is true,” Wallace quipped. Read also: J.D. Vance argued for higher tax rate on childless Americans: reportShe then laid into the defense Vance made in an interview with Megyn Kelly – that his comments were sarcastic and taken out of context – as his “seeming commitment to keep digging in his repeated attacks on the women of this country.”“You know, not working,” Wallace said. “The idea that people who haven't had children don't have rewarding lives is still offensive to everyone, even those of us who don't have kids.”The backlash to Vance has been a boon to Harris’ campaign, as Democratic women raised more than $1 million dollars in a record-breaking Zoom fundraiser that amassed more than 136,000 participants.Watch the clip below or at this link.

[Category: J.d. vance, Nicolle wallace]

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[l] at 7/26/24 7:08pm
Former President Donald Trump doubled down on a new attack on Vice President Kamala Harris during his address to Turning Point USA in Florida, including that she is anti-Jewish.But one particular thing he seemed to relish was mocking the pronunciation of her name."And by the way, there are numerous ways of saying her name, they were explaining to me, you can say KAmala, you can say KaMAla, I said, don't worry about it," said Trump. "It doesn't matter what I say. I couldn't care less if I mispronounce it."Commenters on social media had a field day with Trump's remarks.Read also: Trump dragged for saying Harris – whose husband is Jewish – is ‘totally against’ Jews"Well, if that isn’t a dog whistle?" wrote the account @DenisonBarbs."I call Donald DoooNald.," wrote the account @NotoriousRBF."So she's now free to mispronounce his name as 'Fatty McFelon'," wrote the account @scotthutcheson4."Sure thing Darnald Trimp," wrote the account @Michelle_Lyn_K."Someone get this utter fool disgrace off the stage," wrote the account @sfelago. "He’s going on about pronouncing her name? That’s it ? That’s the most important thing Americans want to hear about? That’s your strategy against Harris - 3rd grade insults?""Ok, Drumpf," wrote the account @NJShawnMc. Watch the video below or at the link here. — (@)

[Category: Kamala harris, Donald trump]

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[l] at 7/26/24 6:58pm
Ben Carson was raked through the coals on social media after he introduced Donald Trump by thanking the former president for saving him from “the verge of death” after he contracted COVID-19."I almost died. I was on the verge of death,” Carson said Friday while introducing Trump at a Florida summit. “The only thing that saved me was I was able to get the monoclonal antibody before it was ok’d by the FDA because he signed the papers to allow me to be able to do that.”“And he reminds me all the time,” Carson said, spurring laughter from the crowd. “He says, “You saved all those kids, but I saved you.”Read also: Ben Carson calls Biden a 'danger': 'Would you even want this guy driving the school bus?'As the pandemic began, Carson was at the forefront of Trump’s cabinet downplaying the threat to the public, including saying, “this virus is like other viruses’ in an ABC interview in March 2020. He contracted the virus that November before vaccines were widely available to the public. In his intro to Trump, Carson continued to peddle questionable claims, including that “the treatment became worse than the disease,” at some point in the pandemic.On social media, critics were quick to pan Carson’s statements. “Ben Carson opens up for Donald Trump by spreading misinformation on COVID vaccines,” wrote @kelsientaggart.“Every cult member, even Ben Carson, has a role to play in their attempt to destroy the experiment in democracy that is the United States, “ wrote @realworld_51.“Let's ask Herman Caine what he thinks,” wrote @LongscopeTV.

[Category: Donald trump, Ben carson]

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[l] at 7/26/24 6:48pm
Former President Donald Trump invoked panic of Democratic persecution of Catholics at his speech at a Turning Point USA event in Florida on Friday."Democrats are after the Catholics almost as much as they're after me," said Trump, while asking how many Catholics were in the crowd and registering some mild surprise at the number of attendees who cheered.President Joe Biden, who recently withdrew from the race and gave his endorsement to Vice President Kamala Harris, is himself a devout Catholic, and in the most recent presidential election, Catholic voters were close to evenly divided. "But how does a Jewish person vote for a Democrat? How does a Catholic person vote for a Democrat?" asked Trump.But Trump revealed a bit more of his thinking when he used his claims of Catholic persecution as a jumping-off point to attack LGBTQ people, and particularly children.Read also: Welcome to Moscow, Idaho — and the 'Extremely American' fight over Christian nationalismHe launched into an attack on California's recent legislation that shields teachers' right to withhold students' pronouns from parents if they fear the student will be subject to abuse at home, then said that Harris supports "chemical castration" of kids and "forcing every public school in America to let men into women and girls' locker rooms.""The whole world is laughing at us," he added.Watch the clip below or at this link.

[Category: Donald trump]

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[l] at 7/26/24 6:29pm
Former President Donald Trump took a victory lap that he "officially defeated" President Joe Biden, while at the same time whining that he now has to go up against Vice President Kamala Harris, at a Turning Point USA event in Florida on Friday evening.Biden exited the race amid pressure from his own party about his health and fitness amid his advanced age, after which he endorsed Harris to replace him on the ticket."We defeated him, he was badly beaten," said Trump. However, he complained, it wasn't fair for Biden to bow out. "It's like a prizefighter, losing badly ready to be knocked out ... let's put someone else in, it's not supposed to work that way." He described it as a "coup" and said "The fascists went after him, they threatened him with the 25th Amendment."Read also: Trump wonders if people with disabilities 'should just die' to save money: nephewDemocrats did not threaten Biden with the 25th Amendment, a process for temporarily removing an infirm president from duties, although Trump called on the GOP to push for it.Trump also turned his focus on Harris, saying "she was a bum three weeks ago" and complaining that the media is now retracting previous, misleading claims that she was the Biden administration's "border czar."Watch the speech below or at the link here. LIVE: President Trump Keynotes TPUSA Faith's Believers' Summit in West Palm Beach 7/26/24 www.youtube.com

[Category: Donald trump]

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[l] at 7/26/24 6:18pm
While Hurricane Beryl crossed into Louisiana as a tropical storm, Republican Governor Jeff Landry was on vacation in Europe, according to a new report.Baton Rouge, Louisiana-based newspaper the Advocate reported Friday that Landry and his wife, Sharon were on a "weeklong jaunt" through Croatia, Greece and Italy when Beryl hit Louisiana, killing one person and damaging homes and businesses and leaving thousands without power. Beryl — which hit southeast Texas as a category 1 hurricane earlier this month, later moved east into the Bayou State and caused coastal flooding and wind speeds in excess of 60 miles per hour. A 31 year-old woman in Benton, Louisiana was killed when a tree fell on her home.“All the governors I’m familiar with made a business to be around during hurricane season, especially when there was one in the Gulf,” Terry Ryder — who was an attorney for three former Louisiana governors — told the Advocate. “They were always completely engaged before, during and after a storm or a serious threat of a storm. You would not have seen them way out of the country.”While Landry reportedly told Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser (R) about his European vacation in advance, he notably did not make a public announcement. Nungesser told the Advocate that he doesn't "sleep during a hurricane ever since Katrina," in reference to the 2005 storm that killed more than 1,500 Louisiana residents. He added that it was a "tough call" for Landry to decide postponing his vacation in light of the hurricane as it was approaching from the Caribbean.Read also: Ten Commandments governor doubts church-state separation exists: 'Find me those words'"So many of them don’t affect us," he said. "But if becomes a major threat, you have to be in a position to come back."Landry's press secretary, Kate Kelly, told the publication via text message that the characterization of her boss as absent during a major emergency was unfair, and that Landry was plugged in with state emergency response officials throughout his vacation."It was not much of a vacation as he sprang into action with multiple calls a day with the FEMA director, local leaders, GOHSEP [Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness], & State Police in order to monitor Hurricane Beryl,” Kelly said. “He issued a disaster declaration for affected parishes on July 9 and requested a Federal Emergency Disaster Declaration on July 10. Gov. Landry always puts Louisiana and her people first, and it’s disingenuous for this paper to try and imply otherwise — solely for clickbait.”Michael Steele, who is a spokesperson for GOHSEP, told the paper that "there was never a moment when the governor was out of communication" with emergency responders."GOHSEP was never activated beyond the first level of activation," he said.Landry's European trip had reportedly been postponed more than once: The Covid-19 pandemic initially scuttled his plans to visit the continent, followed by the death of his mother-in-law and the 2023 gubernatorial race.Click here to read the Advocate's report in its entirety (subscription required).

[Category: Jeff landry]

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[l] at 7/26/24 5:58pm
Patrick Byrne, the former CEO of Overstock and a close ally of former President Donald Trump, has threatened that law enforcement could be killed if they don't stop the case against an elections clerk charged with breaching data equipment to help MAGA.According to The Washington Post, during a lengthy session on X Spaces, Byrne repeatedly claimed officials prosecuting Tina Peters, the former clerk of Mesa County, Colorado, could face "a piano wire and a blowtorch" if they don't back off. His comments come amid rising fears of political violence in the wake of the deadly shooting at Trump's Pennsylvania rally earlier this month that left the former president with an ear wound. Byrne acknowledged that his references could be considered felonious threats, according to the Post.“If you have any brains at all, which I’m not sure they do, they should be throwing in the towel and just surrendering and dropping this case against Tina because those who don’t are going to end up facing a piano wire and a blowtorch before this is over if I have anything to do with it,” said Byrne at one point. “So I know that’s probably another felony, but f--- it — threatening them like that — but there we are.”Read also: Pro-Trump election clerk's lawsuit tossed by judge citing Mike Lindell's courtroom flopHe later tried to claim that he had "obviously" only been speaking metaphorically and had no violent intent.Byrne, a conspiracy theorist who believes the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Trump, has funneled millions of dollars to organizations in battleground states who are laying the groundwork to contest further elections. He has also claimed that he has "naughty evidence" against Jack Smith, the special counsel responsible for two federal prosecutions of Trump.Peters is charged with breaking into elections equipment as part of a plan to expose purported tampering with votes in the 2020 election. She has already been convicted of obstruction of government operations earlier this year in a separate case, for resisting police officers' attempts to seizean iPad she was accused of using to improperly record court proceedings.

[Category: Patrick byrne]

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[l] at 7/26/24 5:51pm
A new report reveals what Vice President Kamala Harris is looking for in a running mate as she takes on the Republican nominee, Donald Trump.Harris told top advisers she’s wants someone who can “balance the ticket” and is more of a "governing partner" than someone who can energize her campaign, Notus reported Friday evening, citing a person involved in the conversations.In other words, “someone with executive experience at the highest level," the report said. Another Democrat told the news outlet that Harris faces the criticism that 's the "'liberal from San Francisco'" and that a running mate who balances out the ticket will be "key." That could mean geographical and ideological."A balance to their energy and approach,” the source said.The report comes after CBS News reported this week that "about a dozen" people were being considered to join her on the ticket — many of them already widely reported, but others not.Read also: New poll reveals Democrats' top choice for Kamala Harris' running mateThe list of candidates includes several governors: Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Roy Cooper of North Carolina, Andy Beshear of Kentucky, Tim Walz of Minnesota, J.B. Pritzker of Illinois and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan. Biden's Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg were also in the running, along with Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly, among others.

[Category: Kamala harris]

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[l] at 7/26/24 5:36pm
Former President Donald Trump would be too much of a security risk to work in a large fraction of jobs and industries around the country, MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace said Friday — and a number of former Justice Department officials made that clear in a new joint statement."The list of jobs not open to a twice-impeached, four-times-indicted, convicted of 34 felony counts and found liable of sexual assault disgraced ex-president is long and growing," Wallace said at the top of the hour for her "Deadline: White House" show. "That kind of rap sheet means, among other things, the FBI wouldn't hire him. Even the local mall would turn Donald Trump away. And yet ... here we are. A man who could not remotely clear a background check to work in a White House, for all kinds of jobs big and small, has been selected and anointed by the Republican Party as their first choice, their only choice, to be the leader of the free world."Read also: MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace puzzled over J.D. Vance's nodding at Trump’s word saladWhile the GOP rank and file may be blind to this, said Wallace, many law enforcement veterans are not — as evidenced by a statement signed by over 40 former Department of Justice officials endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for president, and issuing a dire warning about a potential second Trump term. Among the signatories are U.S. attorneys and legal officials who served in administrations from both parties, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and former acting Attorney General Sally Yates."The fabric of the nation, the rule of law and the future of democracy are at stake in this election," said the statement, read out by Wallace. "The stakes could not be higher. Former President Trump presents a grave risk to our country, our global alliances and the future of democracy. As president, he regularly ignored the rule of law. One of his first acts was to order an unconstitutional Muslim travel ban. His last act was to try to stay in power by defying election results and the will of the American people. In between, he put in place extremely conservative Supreme Court justices, who reversed longstanding precedents and legal protections, stripping women of reproductive rights, gutting environmental protections, and granting Trump virtual immunity for his official acts.""When that level of Justice Department firepower joins forces to sound the alarm about a clear and present danger to the rule of law and our democracy, it is incumbent on us as voters to pay attention," said Wallace.Watch the video below or at the link here. Nicolle Wallace says even malls wouldn't hire Trump www.youtube.com

[Category: Donald trump]

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[l] at 7/26/24 5:19pm
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump backtracking from a commitment to a debate with Vice President Kamala Harris shows he’s less confident in his ability to stand up to the former prosecutor.“In terms of the debate, I think he is finding himself a little less than sure footed as this race as changed and it seems as if he’s buying time,” journalist Maggie Haberman said during an interview with CNN’s Pamela Brown Friday afternoon.While Harris says she’s ready for a debate, Trump’s campaign said in a Thursday statement that scheduling a debate with her “would be inappropriate,” before she’s officially confirmed as the Democratic nominee, “because Democrats very well could still change their minds.” Read also: Maggie Haberman shares big lesson Trump has learned since 2020 debatesThat didn’t stop Trump from debating Biden in June, when neither had gained their party’s formal endorsement, and Haberman says Trump’s reluctance is telling.“There aren’t very many big moments left that we can predict in this race, but a debate between these two nominees … that would be a big moment,” Haberman says. “I think he’s just playing for time at this point.”Trump’s plan to return to Butler, Pennsylvania – where he was nearly shot and killed by a would-be assassin earlier this month – was also a revealing move to Haberman, who suggested that it may counterintuitively be a safe place for Trump where he could regain his confidence. “That was a moment that came at the end of a month where his popularity had increased and it started increasing after his debate with President Biden," Haberman said. “I think some of that is level setting for him.”Watch the clip below or at this link.

[Category: Donald trump, Maggie haberman]

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[l] at 7/26/24 5:05pm
Fox News host Neil Cavuto wonders if Republicans are underestimating Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, whose prosecutorial finesse on the debate stage may pose a serious threat to Donald Trump.“I’m wondering if Republicans – because they focus on things that seem silly to me, like the cackling and all of that – don’t appreciate the fact this woman could be a barracuda,” Cavuto said during his afternoon broadcast on Fox News Friday. “She is a prosecutor and she will try, in any exchange with Donald Trump, to prosecute him, and I don’t know if they appreciate the magnitude of that.”Harris served as California attorney general from 2011 to 2017, and before that prosecuted serious drug and violent crimes as a district attorney. She brings serious chops to the debate stage, Cavuto noted, compared to Joe Biden, who performed disastrously against Trump in June.ALSO READ: Boebert, MTG and far-fight friends derail Speaker Mike Johnson’s summer plans“She's very good at speaking in complete sentences and succinctly,” Cavuto said. “I’m just curious how that alone changes the dynamics… Now it’s a totally different game.”Trump appeared to backpedal from debating Harris on television, saying he won’t commit to scheduling a debate until she has been confirmed as the official party nominee. Republicans have good reason to be worried, said political strategist Doug Shoen. “Republicans were lulled into a false sense of security in the spring when she was polling lower than the already weakened Joe Biden,” Shoen said. “I think the jolt of energy she has gotten has energized Democrats. “If I were the republicans, I would be very nervous now,” Shoen said. Watch the clip below or at this link.
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[l] at 7/26/24 5:04pm
Former President Donald Trump took to his Truth Social platform on Friday evening to proclaim that he "accepted" an "apology" from FBI Director Christopher Wray for saying it wasn't clear whether Trump was actually struck by a bullet during the failed assassination attempt at his Pennsylvania rally earlier this month."I assume that’s the best apology that we’ll get from Director Wray, but it is fully accepted!" wrote Trump in the post.This came after a hearing earlier this week, during which Wray, who was himself appointed by Trump, told members of Congress that "what grazed [Trump’s] ear" was either a bullet or a piece of shrapnel. This enraged Trump, who leapt onto social media to insist there was no uncertainty about his injury.“No, it was, unfortunately, a bullet that hit my ear, and hit it hard. There was no glass, there was no shrapnel,” said Trump. “The hospital called it a ‘bullet wound to the ear,’ and that is what it was. No wonder the once storied FBI has lost the confidence of America!”Read also: Trump's ex-doctor issues another statement in effort to end rally shooting doubtsWray himself has not walked his statements back; however, on Friday the FBI as an agency put out a statement, reported by Fox News' Bret Baier, which stated: “What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle.” Trump attached a screenshot to Baier's post in his statement.One rallygoer was killed in the shooting. Trump escaped with minor injuries, and the bandage he wore over his ear became a political symbol worn by many at the Republican National Convention.He has subsequently announced he will hold another rally in Pennsylvania in memory of the deceased rallygoer, a firefighter named Corey Comperatore.

[Category: Christopher wray, Donald trump]

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[l] at 7/26/24 4:47pm
Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is making a "desperate" move with his recent comment that Vice President Kamala Harris can't get on the ballot in all 50 states, one election expert said. Speaking to MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace on Friday, election lawyer Marc Elias of Democracy Docket addressed Jake Tapper's CNN interview with Johnson on Monday, in which Johnson invented a conspiracy about the ballot. "Johnson said both before and after President Joe Biden dropped out of the race on Sunday that there are legal 'impediments' in some states to a party switching presidential candidates as the Democrats did," CNN reported. Read also: The shocking truth behind the GOP's MAGA lie machineJohnson even touted his constitutional lawyer expertise when spinning the ABC News conspiracy. "It would be wrong and I think unlawful in accordance to some of these state rules for a handful of people to go in the backroom and switch it out because they’re – they don’t like the candidate any longer," Johnson said. CNN investigated by calling election officials in 48 of 50 states who told them it wasn't true. Wallace couldn't understand why Johnson would make such a claim. Elias, the expert on election law, gave a more frank reply. "I think they're desperate," Elias said. "They planned an entire campaign to run against Joe Biden."He described "victory laps" by top Trump campaign staff assuming they were going to win after the first debate. They even bragged to The Atlantic that they'd "win in a landslide." "All of a sudden, instead of Joe Biden, they have Kamala Harris," he said. "We are lucky to have her now and the RNC is scared of her. Donald Trump is terrified of her," he said, noting the ex-president is already "backing out of debates." "And it is a joy to watch Mike Johnson squirm as he realizes his days in the speaker's chair are numbered," he said.

[Category: Nicolle wallace, Mike johnson]

As of 7/27/24 3:53am. Last new 7/26/24 11:28pm.

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