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[l] at 7/23/24 4:00pm
Rarely has the world been as combustible and dangerous as it is today. Conflicts are experienced as existential and the risk of them becoming global is high. But world war is not inevitable – and France has a key role to play in preventing it. - 2024/06 / article
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[l] at 7/22/24 4:00pm
This summer Paris hosts the Olympic Games, billed as the biggest event ever organised in France, followed by the Paralympics. Will they inspire people to get off the sofa and put on their running shoes? - 2024/05 / article
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[l] at 7/18/24 4:00pm
Western governments believe Russia will pay for its aggression with increased dependence on China. But is that really the case? - 2024/03 / article
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[l] at 7/11/24 8:55am
The month's archives - 2020/07 / perspective
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[l] at 7/10/24 4:00pm
Britain's Labour party has refused to unequivocally condemn Israel's bombing of Gaza while the Tory right has used the war to stoke domestic divisions. - 2024/05 / article
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[l] at 7/10/24 4:00pm
The International Court of Justice has ordered Israel to take ‘all measures within its power' to prevent genocide and further bloodshed in its military operation in Gaza. The case was brought by South Africa. - 2024/02 / article
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[l] at 7/10/24 7:53am
The election of Masoud Pezeshkian, portrayed by the government as a ‘reformist', has to some extent pacified Iranians and the Mahsa protests, but this effect remains limited. - Outside in / Comment
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[l] at 7/7/24 4:00pm
In January 2015, just before the massive demonstrations in solidarity with murdered Charlie Hebdo journalists, cartoonist Luz wondered, ‘In a year, what will remain of this progressive impulse for freedom of expression?' - 2024/06 / article
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[l] at 7/1/24 12:29pm
Giorgia Meloni strengthened her party's position in the recent EU election. That's more bad news for Italy's cultural sector, where top jobs are going to political figures eager to rewrite the country's past. - 2024/07 / article
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[l] at 7/1/24 12:29pm
Anyone with a smartphone can shoot video. In France, police violence at demonstrations motivated a wave of citizen journalists to document scenes of brutality that the mainstream media will pay for. - 2024/07 / article
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[l] at 7/1/24 12:29pm
Downsizing, outsourcing – instead of properly funded and researched reporting, ‘content' is churned out to chase clicks. - 2024/07 / article
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[l] at 7/1/24 12:29pm
The West badly over-estimated the impact of its sanctions on Russia after it invaded Ukraine. Perversely, sanctions have functioned as a kind of externally imposed protectionism and boosted Russia's growth. - 2024/07 / article
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[l] at 7/1/24 12:29pm
A century ago, a dying Ottoman empire sought to renew itself by exterminating its Armenian population. This attempt at nation-building through violence has parallels with Israel's current assault on Gaza - 2024/07 / article
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[l] at 7/1/24 12:29pm
Polish lawyer Raphael Lemkin coined the term ‘genocide' in his book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe. The year was 1944, and the world was beginning to grasp the scale and nature of Nazi ‘exterminationism'. The compounds that make up the word genocide come from the Greek word genos, meaning ‘race' or ‘tribe', and ‘-cide' from the Latin caedere, meaning ‘to slaughter, to kill'. It was elevated to an international war crime by the UN General Assembly in 1946. The UN Convention on the Prevention and (...) - 2024/07 / article, 2024/07 gaza
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[l] at 7/1/24 12:29pm
The war in Gaza has taken international law into uncharted territory: with charges of genocide against a democratic state and of war crimes against its prime minister, two competing views of the rule of law. - 2024/07 / article, 2024/07 gaza
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[l] at 7/1/24 12:29pm
After Western troops left almost two years ago, Afghan assets were frozen and foreign aid dried up. The Taliban have prioritised international recognition over good governance and running a functional state. - 2024/07 / article
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[l] at 7/1/24 12:29pm
UN secretary-general António Guterres conceived the upcoming Summit of the Future as an opportunity for visionary thinking about our global future. But member states have far more pressing concerns. - 2024/07 / article
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[l] at 7/1/24 12:29pm
In her first term, Ursula von der Leyen enhanced the status and influence of the EU presidency, making her one of the most powerful politicians in Europe. What will she do with that power now? - 2024/07 / article
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[l] at 7/1/24 12:29pm
The widening chasm in French politics is less between thriving cities and struggling countryside than between those doing well and those who feel the state only makes their lives harder. - 2024/07 / article
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[l] at 7/1/24 12:29pm
Macron likes to cut an imposing figure on the international stage, but his foreign policy is littered with misadventures. - 2024/07 / article, 2024/07 French parliamentary election
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[l] at 7/1/24 12:29pm
Emmanuel Macron's snap election aimed to raise fears of a far-right victory to shock the electorate back into line. A dangerous gamble when so many voters feel only the RN cares about their problems. - 2024/07 / article, 2024/07 French parliamentary election

As of 7/26/24 10:27pm. Last new 7/24/24 7:55am.

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